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Firmware Update 3.50 erscheint morgen
Autor: crack-king25. März 2015, 12:35

Um kompatibel zu Firmware 2.50 auf der PS4 zu bleiben, erscheint morgen parallel auch Firmware Update 3.50 für die PlayStation Vita. Es werden einerseits auch die Accessibility Options eingeführt (vergrößerter Text, höhere Kontraste), aber die Vita wird auch fit gemacht für 60fps Remote Play.


「PSN℠」will be renamed to「PlayStation™Network」

●PS4 Link
Remote play will have a high quality setting (60FPS)。

Scene search added
1080p videos supported, with fast-forward up to 1.5x

PS Vita map applicattion will be removed

All funcions that used the "map" will be removed

Acessibility options will be added。
Playstation Network: Sub-account upgrade: Enable users 18 years of age or older with sub-accounts to upgrade to a master account directly on PSVITA, .
[PlayStation™Network]>[Sub-account upgrade]> removing restrictions on chat and user media and enabling users to add funds to their Wallet and purchase content。


Quelle: NeoGAF


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